======== CANberry ======== A small web app that displays sensor data and controls a `MOVIDRIVE Antriebsumrichter `_ (traction converter) of SEW EURODRIVE connected to the `Raspberry Pi `_ with the help of a controller area network (CAN) bus. Manuals ------- * `MOVIDRIVE Serielle Kommunikation (10531602) `_ * `MOVIDRIVE Handbuch (09191607) `_ * `MOVIDRIVE Betriebsanleitung (10532609) `_ * `MOVIDRIVE Operating Instruction (10532617) `_ Installation ============ In order to install CANberry just create a virtual environment and use pip:: pip install canberry Configuration ============= Create a configuration file .canrc with following content in your home directory:: [default] interface = socketcan channel = can0 [canberry] identifier = 16 The identifier is the default target address. Development =========== Installation: * Create a virtual environment `virtualenv venv` and activate it with `source venv/bin/activate`. * Install all dependencies with `pip install -r requirements.txt`. * Run `python setup.py develop` to install CANberry in your virtual environment. * Run `canberry` from the command line to start the web application. Try `canberry -h` for help on more options. Updating the javascript components with: * Install *npm* with `sudo apt-get install nodejs`. * Install *bower* with `sudo npm install -g bower`. * Use `bower install -S` to install and update js dependencies like concise, ractive, jquery, flotcharts. Credits ======= This project uses following libraries: * `jQuery `_ * `Concise CSS `_ * `Ractive.js `_ * `Flot `_ * `python-can `_ Note ==== This project has been set up using PyScaffold. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see http://pyscaffold.readthedocs.org/. Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 License Authors Changelog Module Reference Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`